Fist of Avalon + Feyscale Robe


Fist of Avalon


B+ Tier
Difficulty Scale:
Easy, Medium, Hard, I HATE MYSELF
Awakening traits:

S tier- CDR, Mana reduction.

A tier- ability damage, hp, defense

b tier- IP

As a hit-and-run rotation based build, CDR is of course the best trait to get. Mana reduction is also extremely strong, as it allows you to replace your sandals with leather shoes and Refreshing Sprint, which gives you even more CDR.

Ability damage is the best damage buff, and HP and defense helps you survive between combos.

IP is not bad for this weapon, but it simply offers less silver-to-damage value compared to ability damage.

Default Abilities and Passives:
Fist of Avalon

Q2, W4, passive 4

Cowl of Purity
Avalonian Beam, passive 1

Feyscale Robe:
Wild Magic, passive 1
Energizing Sprint, passive 2


This is a hit-and-run build. Against low IP targets, using Feyrobe3 (Frozen Fragments) and landing the whole Ava Fist combo (E>W>E>Q>Q>D) can often 1 shot. However, this is not recommended unless you are absolutely certain that you can land the full combo. If you put all of your abilities on cooldown, you will have very limited damage after than and no defensive skills at all, and being a squishy cloth build, the enemy can easily turn it around on you if you were to miss even just a part of your combo. The proper way to play this build is to lead with Avalonian Beam, and when your beam is half way off cooldown try to land your Fist combo (E>W>E, or E>E>W if they activate a defensive such as hunter hood or cleric robe) and use Q and Ring of Fire to disengage, then use Beam again to keep your enemy in combat while keeping distance from them, and repeat the combo when you have it off cooldown. Repeat until enemy is dead. To see a full guide, check out the video on the right. Overall, this is a solid build, but it is off-meta because of the high cost. And it’s B+ tier because it’s a hard build to run against many meta builds. While it is not as hard-countered by the meta as builds like the 1h dagger, many meta weapons such as Carving Sword, Bloodletter, Deathgiver, Frost, etc can all easily avoid your combo by dashing out of your E. It also has limited dismount potential since landing E on mounted targets is not the easiest thing to do.

Strengths and weaknesses:

High burst, high mobility, completely ignores all purge-able defensives such as hunter hood or cleric robe.

No damage in between combos, squishy.


Assassin Jacket and Mist Walker Jacket are also used sometimes instead of the Fey Robe, you will sacrifice some damage this way, Mistwalker Jacket offers a good defensive against things like 1h curse and 1h dagger while assassin Jacket is a better kite skill against people that can ignore your Ring of Fire with skills like Mistwalker Jacket, Soldier Helmet, or Shadow Edge.

Refreshing Sprint is a very strong replacement for your boots, but you will need to run a lot of mana cost reduction to make this work. It is basically only possible if you get the mana cost reduction awakening trait.

Main Food:

Eel Stew


If you catch me live, feel free to join chat and ask any questions.


Bloodletter +Armor of Valor

