Spear + Stalker Jacket




A Tier

Awakening trats:

S tier: CDR

A tier:
HP, DEF, Ability Damage, life steal

B tier:
IP, Attack Damage, Attack Speed

CDR makes it a lot easier to run torch instead of mist caller, which gives your build a lot of damage, so even if Stalker Jacket gets countered by something like Mistwalker Jacket, you’d still be able to win on damage against many builds just by hitting Qs and autos. Even if you plan to play with Mistcaller, CDR still offers create value by shortening your Stalker Jacket and boots rotations.

The A tier traits are pretty standard for most weapons, they are just traits that offer the most value. Ability Damage does apply to Stalker Jacket.

The B tier traits offers some value but not the best, don’t take these traits you are really out of options.

Default Abilities and Passives:

Q1, W3, passive 2

Stalker Hood
Mortal Agony, passive 1

Stalker Jacket:
Electric Field, passive 1/3
Any plate boots:
Rejuvenating Sprint, passive 2


Use jacket to get your enemy low and stalker hood to finish. Stalker hood has low cooldowns so don’t be afraid to use it at the start of the fight for damage buff. Prestack on mobs if you need to E to start the fight. Cripple is mostly used on enemy’s boots. Since Cripple is a melee skill some times you need to anticipate when the enemy is going to use boots, if they get run out of melee range you will not be able to Cripple them unless you still have E. While cripple gets the most value if you can use it on boots, some times it’s worth using it on things like sword Q stacks or Stun Run on double blade staffs. Also keep in mind that you get a decent damage buff from cripple if you remove the enemy’s movement buffs, so time it with your Stalker Jacket if you can. If you need to escape a bad situation, cripple also gives you movement speed while purging the enemy’s movement buffs.

Strengths and weaknesses:

Very high damage, great kill pressure

Not the best at escaping rats, lack of defensive abilities can be difficult for some players to get used to.


Fiend Cowl for purge.

Cultist Cowl for a defensive

Brecilian Cape for a defensive that procs off of your helmet. Since stalker hood is short CD, you can use it just to proc the cape and still have it back in time to finish the fight. Purge prevention of the cape can also be nice to protect your jacket or boots from being purged.

Torch is a popular choice in place of Mistcaller. Torch gives the build a lot more ability to brawl, and spear has very high auto attack damage, so torch can be very nice for this build.

Main Food:

Roasted Puremist Snapper


If you catch me live, feel free to join chat and ask any questions.


Chillhowl/Frost + Assassin Jacket

